Friday, January 3, 2014

Recipe of the Week- Chicago Dogs

It's the New Year and I am excited for the changes ahead. One of my goals is to blog more. So I'm revamping my blog and including lots of new topics. Each Friday I will share with you my Recipe of the Week. I love to cook and people are constantly asking me for recipes so what better way to give them out. Since it's my first Recipe blog I'm going to start out simple and go with my love's favorite hot dogs!  Now I know you think Hot dogs is no brainier but we searched for 2 days for the ingredients for the perfect Chicago Dog. Finally, I found Hirsch's Market in Plano and they had everything from the dogs to the poppy seed buns. So what makes the perfect Chicago Dog?


Vienna Beef Hot dogs
Sport Peppers
Neon Relish
Diced Onions
Yellow Mustard
Tomatoes (we used Roma)
Kosher Pickle SpearsPoppy Seed Bun
Dash of Celery Salt
I like to bake my hot dogs on my Pampered Chef Medium Bar Pan at 350*. It takes about 15-20 minutes for them to be perfect. Then you assemble the dogs! 

Granted since I have a severe mustard allergy I've never tried them but he loves them. Hope you enjoy!! 

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